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Chiropractic Care and Autism

chiropractor adjusting baby at Lighthouse Family ChiropracticNervous system-focused chiropractic care is rapidly gaining popularity for its holistic approach to health and wellness, but many parents are curious about its benefits for children with autism. Lighthouse Family Chiropractic in Mount Pleasant, SC, is dedicated to providing clear, evidence-based answers to the most frequently asked questions about chiropractic care and autism. In this blog, we will explore how chiropractic care can support children with autism, what to expect during a visit and the potential benefits.

What is Autism?

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a developmental disorder that affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. Symptoms and severity vary widely among individuals, but common characteristics include difficulties with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and challenges with speech and nonverbal communication. Early intervention and a variety of therapies can significantly improve outcomes for children with autism.

Can Chiropractic Care Help Children with Autism?

At Lighthouse Family Chiropractic, our focus is on addressing the nervous system and the underlying stress within it. We know that there is not a single function in the body that is not controlled by this system and therefore, when there is stress stuck within it, it can result in many different symptoms. By removing this stress, we allow the nervous system to function optimally, which in turn causes a decrease in these symptoms. While we are not treating or curing autism by any means, we do help to allow the body to work at its highest potential. By addressing the root causes of autism through neurologically based care, we can balance and set a foundation that will help in all aspects of your child’s life including, but not limited to, better digestion, better focus in school, positive social interactions, and more ability to self-regulate their emotions.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Autism

  1. Improved Nervous System Function: Nervous System-focused adjustments remove any interference in this system and ensure that it operates efficiently. For children with autism, this can mean better overall health, improved mood regulation, fewer outbursts, improved sensory challenges, better digestion, better sleep, and more!
  2. Enhanced Focus and Attention: Many parents of practice members have reported that chiropractic care has helped improve their child’s ability to focus and concentrate, which is extremely beneficial in educational settings.
  3. Reduced Hyperactivity: By balancing the nervous system, Chiropractic adjustments can help manage hyperactivity and promote more peace at home and in social settings.
  4. Better Sleep: A common “side effect” of chiropractic adjustments is better sleep! Being able to fall asleep at night and wake up feeling rested is a huge challenge for many kids and adults with autism and is usually the first change we see after starting care.

What to Expect During a Chiropractic Visit

The first visit to Lighthouse Family Chiropractic involves an in-depth health consultation and examination. One of our doctors will sit down with you either in person or on the phone and will discuss your child’s medical history, current symptoms, and any previous treatments. During this consultation, you’ll notice either Dr. Devin or Dr. Liv going back to your fertility journey and birth experience. We always want to make sure we have the full picture to get to the root cause of your child’s struggles as well as to help us determine what care plan is best for your child at that time.

At Lighthouse Family Chiropractic, we utilize the CLA INSiGHT scans to determine how much stress is stuck within your child’s nervous system. This cutting-edge technology not only tells us how much stress there is, but also where it’s located, as well as how the autonomic nervous system is functioning as a whole. These scans are entirely sensory-based with nothing entering or leaving the body (like an X-ray) and are safe for the tiniest of infants and pregnant moms.

Based on your in-depth health consultation and nervous system scans, our two-doctor team will work together to develop a personalized treatment plan. This customized care plan will include the number of visits that we believe will get your child to your goals the quickest.

Both Dr. Liv and Dr. Devin are highly trained in adjusting children, especially children with an autism diagnosis. Their combined unique experience as well as training perfectly equip them to handle even the toughest of cases. Adjustments are gentle, safe, and effective and are adapted to meet your child where they’re at that visit. Our doctors also make sure to thoroughly explain what they are doing to both the parents and the children as well to ensure comfort for all parties!

How to Choose the Right Chiropractor

When selecting a chiropractor for your child with autism, consider the following:

    1. Experience and Qualifications: When choosing a chiropractic office for your child, it is very important to ensure that the doctors have experience and training in pediatric care, especially with children who have an autism diagnosis. Both Dr. Devin and Dr. Liv have advanced training not only in pediatrics but also with children with an autism diagnosis.
    2. Communication Skills: No one likes not knowing what is happening with anything, but especially their health. It is crucial to make sure that the doctor you are seeing can explain what they are doing to not only the parents but the children as well. They should also be able to answer any questions you may have!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Chiropractic Care Covered by Insurance?

LFC is a self-pay office. This means that we are not in-network with any insurance providers. This is due to the highly specialized nature of our care. However, we will print a superbill at any point and you can submit it to your insurance. We can not make any guarantees that they will cover anything, but we will provide those documents at your request.

How Often Should My Child See a Chiropractor?

The frequency and amount of visits depend on your child’s individual needs and the treatment plan developed by the doctors based on the in-depth health consultation as well as the INSiGHT scans. Initially, more frequent visits may be necessary, followed by maintenance visits as progress is made.

Can Chiropractic Care Replace Other Autism Therapies?

Chiropractic care is not a replacement for other autism therapies but can be a valuable complement. Many of our practice members have noticed significant improvements in their other therapies after starting chiropractic care for their children.

Are There Any Special Considerations for Children with Sensory Issues?

One of our strengths at LFC is meeting kids where they are at. A lot of times, for children who struggle with sensory issues, this means taking our time and utilizing different tools to make sure they are as comfortable as possible. We get asked all the time: How will you get my child to sit still long enough to get adjusted? And the truth is, we don’t! We take our time and let the kids get used to us as well as our tools, especially initially. Kids are also free to get up and move around during the adjustment. Our main goal is to make sure that they are as comfortable as possible and we will take as long as we need to ensure that happens!

Schedule Your Appointment

Nervous system-focused chiropractic care has so many benefits for children with autism, not only supporting overall health but also helping with the symptoms they are experiencing. . Lighthouse Family Chiropractic in Mount Pleasant, SC, is committed to providing personalized, compassionate care for your child. By addressing the nervous system’s function and overall health, chiropractic care can be a valuable part of helping your child THRIVE!

If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please call us at (854) 354-8989. Our team is here to support you and your child’s health journey every step of the way!



Chiropractic Care and Autism Mount Pleasant SC | (854) 354-8989